Friday, November 20, 2009

Important Notice

Hello everyone,

This is not Gertie. This is her husband, Hannibal Lecter. Gertie is currently in the kitchen, putting out a small fire on the stove. There is no need to worry about anyone's safety (except perhaps Robert's, because who cannot successfully cook Mr. Noodles?). Since Gertie left her weblog open and I spotted it here on the coffee table, I decided it would be best to use this given opportunity to clear something up. After all, we don't want a good man's name (read: mine) tarnished for no valid reason, do we?

I go to the casino a few times a week, for about an hour at the time. I do not go out to consume human beings. Whoever tells you/insinuates that, Gertie included, is just one big liar.

I'm so glad we are understood. Have a lovely day.

- Hannibal


  1. Oh, ummm Thank you for clearing that up Hannibal. And Gertie, I do hope the kitchen turned out all right after the fire but you may want to install some extra passwords on your blog just in case Hannibal or your other husbands decide to post on here again. You go through so much that you deserve to keep this blog all to yourself.

  2. Yeah Hannibal only consumes groups. Hah. Haha. Hahahahahaha.


