Tuesday, December 8, 2009


Looks like Freddy finally got tired of watching Sesame Street with his baby cousins while babysitting!

Oh Freddy. We love you.


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! No, actually Freddy, I'm pretty sure I actually love you now. Let's get married. HAHAHA! Epic win. Epic fudging win.

Freddy Krueger = GENIUS. XD


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. My son had a fun time making that. Gertie, I'm glad you respect him for the artist he truly is.

  3. The post was made by me, not my mom. Wow, you thought I was my mom? Thanks... :(

    Yeeeah... my mom's not quite as big a fan of Freddy as I am. Dude, if you're reading this, I want an autographed poster of you for Christmas. kthx.

  4. Oh dear. That is somewhat disturbing. Traumatizing, even. Since when is Ernie gay with Bert???? :O Not that there's anything wrong with it... just a bit shocking is all! Freddy's "evil laugh" also scares me. Michael, did you teach him that?

    There are also too many F-bombs included in this. What are you boys reading these days?

    Then again, I suppose nothing surprises me anymore with you boys and your little movies.

  5. Oh dear. I watched this and it was so disturbing but I couldn't look away. Michael, how could you post something like this on your poor sweet mother's blog? I think I'm scarred for life.

    I hope you are doing well Gertie. I look forward to your next post.

  6. Freddy has serious voice-impression skills. kthx.

    But seriously dude... WTF is up with 6:54? AHAHAHA!

    Also, there's something wrong with anyone who doesn't like piss their pants laughing at 7:47. Those frigid people deserve a dinner knife in the throat never mind ferret kthxxx.
